Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The Solar System and some more

The Solar System and some more Tube. Duration : 2.97 Mins.

In this video: I included our 8 planets, pluto (dwarf planet), and the most spherical known objects. 00. our Sun: a G2 type star. 01. Mercury 02. Venus 03. Earth: home sweet home :D 04. Mars 05. Juno: an Asteroid, one of the biggest objects from the inner Asteroid Belt. 06. Ceres: the tiniest dwarf planet, nevertheless, the biggest object from the inner Asteroid Belt. 07. Pallas: an Asteroid, one of the biggest objects from the inner Asteroid Belt, its orbit is highly inclinated. 08. Chiron: a Centaur (Planetoid), its orbit is actually between: jupiter and saturn (perihelion); saturn and uranus (aphelion). 09. Jupiter 10. Saturn 11. Uranus 12. Neptune 13. Pluto: the ex-Planet, now clasified as a "Dwarf Planet" or "Plutoid Object"; the main reason of this is that pluto is unable to "absorb" nearby material. 14. 2005 FY9: also known as the dwarf planet "Makemake", an object inside the Kuiper Belt. 15. Orcus: a Plutoid object, Orcus's 247 year orbit is shaped similarly to Pluto's, but is differently oriented. 16. 2002 AW197: one of the largest dwarf planet candidates, located near the Kuiper cliff; ESO analysis of spectra reveals a strong red slope and no presence of water ice, suggesting organic material. 17. 2003 EL61: also known as the dwarf planet "Haumea"; a bit smaller than Makemake. 18. Varuna: a large classical Kuiper Belt object, and a potential dwarf planet. 19. 2004 XR190: Transneptunian object and potential dwarf planet nicknamed Buffy (the vampire slayer), it ...

Keywords: Solar, System, Asteroids, Dwarf, Planet, Planets, Milky, Way, Messier, 31, M31, Kuiper, Belt, Inner, Transneptunian, Plutonian, Astronomy, AIA2009, IYA2009

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